Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mommy isn't feeling well

Nash - What's wrong mommy?
Me - I have a headache.
Nash - Well then take something for it.
Me - I did.  It's not working.
Nash - Well DUH, that's because you did it wrong!
Me - Is that so?
Nash - Yes.  Yes it is.  Because your HEAD hurts but you swallowed the medicine into you BELLY.  If you want to fix you head you have to put the medicine right into it.

It's hard to argue with that kind of logic.

Monday, May 6, 2013


We lay in bed unmoving.  I was frozen.  The silence was like a pane of glass between us.  Neither wanted to be the first to break it.

I didn’t dare to move a muscle.  Clear my throat.  Nothing.  The silence was suffocating.  I churned within my paralyzed form. 

Then he touched my hand and I could breath again.